Chicken tagine

The tagine is a dish of North African origin. Much appreciated and prepared in Morocco, the ingredients of the tagine are essentially vegetables, and may also contain meat. Try this version with chicken.

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Preparation Method

  1. Cut the chicken legs in half.
  2. Place in a bowl and season with salt and spices. Set aside.
  3. In the tagine mix the olive oil, the chopped garlic, half the diced unpeeled beldi lemon and half the olives.
  4. Add half the sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes, half the pumpkin and courgette, also cut into cubes, and the peeled and chopped ginger.
  5. Arrange the chicken on top, add the remaining ingredients and drizzle with water.
  6. Season with the remaining salt, cover the tagine and cook over the coals very slowly.

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